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Supporting the ACE Mentor Program of Rochester

At Profeta Painting, we’re committed to not only providing top-notch painting services but also giving back to our community. One way we achieve this is by supporting local organizations that play a pivotal role in nurturing talent and preparing the next generation for promising careers in various industries. One such organization that we are proud to be associated with is the ACE Mentor Program of Rochester.

The ACE Mentor Program of Rochester is an exceptional initiative that aligns perfectly with our values and goals. This annual event brings together students, professionals, and supporters who share a common passion for the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering (ACE) industry. It’s an inspiring program that encourages high school students to explore and pursue careers in these fields, including skilled trades.

What is the ACE Mentor Program of America (ACE)?

The ACE Mentor Program of America is an award-winning, after-school program designed to attract high school students and ignite their interest in the Architecture, Construction, and Engineering industry. This comprehensive program offers invaluable insights into the world of ACE, providing students with exposure to a wide range of career opportunities within these sectors.

The ACE program operates as a mentorship platform, connecting students with experienced professionals who guide and inspire them. Through hands-on activities, real-world projects, and immersive experiences, students gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to excel in ACE-related careers.

Profeta Painting Supports the ACE Mentor Program in Rochester, NY

Profeta’s Involvement and Commitment

At Profeta Painting, we’re deeply committed to supporting organizations like the ACE Mentor Program of Rochester. We recognize the significance of nurturing young talent and helping them explore career paths that are not only fulfilling but also crucial for the growth and development of our communities.

Our involvement in the annual Ace Rochester Skeet Shoot Contest at the Rochester Brooks Gun Club in August was a testament to this commitment. We had an incredible time participating in this event, which brought together individuals and businesses that share our passion for the ACE industry.

By supporting the ACE Mentor Program of Rochester, we are investing in the future of our community. We believe that encouraging young minds to explore careers in skilled trades, architecture, construction, and engineering is essential for building a vibrant and prosperous tomorrow.

Join Us in Supporting ACE

If you’re as passionate as we are about empowering the next generation and fostering talent in the ACE industry, we encourage you to learn more about the ACE Mentor Program of Rochester. Visit their website at to discover how you can get involved, support their initiatives, and make a positive impact on the future of our youth.

At Profeta Painting, we take pride in our involvement with organizations like ACE, and we remain dedicated to contributing to our community in meaningful ways. Check out our community page to learn more about how we support the Rochester community. We look forward to continuing our partnership with ACE and other local organizations that share our vision for a brighter, more promising future for all.

Profeta Painting: Supporting the ACE Mentor Program of Rochester at the Annual Skeet Shoot Contest

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